Home of the Wranglers
Working together as a learning community, we will go one step further as Wranglers by fostering a positive work ethic, responsibility, academics, navigation of goals, generosity, leadership, enthusiasm, and respect in society.
Mark Your Calendars!
Del Webb is preparing for our required annual SBAC testing, and student attendance is a high priority on our testing days. Whenever possible, please avoid scheduling appointments for your Del Webb students during our testing times on the following dates:
April 1: 8th Grade Science Assessment
April 3 and April 8: ELA Assessments for All Students
April 10 and April 15: Math Assessments for All Students
As always, please ensure that students arrive at school on time, well-rested, and with a charged Chromebook.
Refer to the family letter below for more detailed testing information.
As a reminder, there are several ways to exchange your red #wranglerway tickets. You may exchange 1 ticket for an otter pop at the student store, or you may use 1 ticket to bring a friend and have lunch on the patio on Wednesdays. 3 tickets may be exchanged for a book from the vending machine, or an upgraded Del Webb Lanyard.
If you have any ideas on additional exchanges for the #wranglerway tickets, please email Ms Kendhammer.
Don’t forget to wear your Wrangler gear for #WranglerWay Wednesday and show your school pride!
-All after school activities that start at 5:30 PM or later, requires adult supervision for the student to be admitted to the activity.
-Students must be in a supervised activity or leave campus after dismissal and may return to attend games at 3:45.
-All CCSD and Webb rules regarding behavior and dress code are in effect and will be enforced. Violations can result in school discipline, automatic removal from the event, and restriction from attending future games.
-Students must have their IDs to purchase a ticket and wear them while attending the game.
-Students must be picked up within 10 minutes of the second game's conclusion. Students who are not picked up promptly may be prohibited from attending future games.
Beginning Tuesday 9/3, all students must wear their school issued student ID on a lanyard to school. Students who forget their student ID will be provided with a Name Badge sticker to wear for the day. Students who continue to forget to wear their student ID will receive the following progressive disciplinary consequences: Warning, Parent Contact, Student Conference, Detention, and possibly In-school Suspension. Students who lose their student ID can purchase a new ID for $3 from the school banker.
Auditions for the Dance Company’s 2025-2026 season will take place April 8th–10th.
To be eligible to audition, there is a mandatory parent meeting that must be attended on one of the following dates:
March 25th at 6:00 PM
March 26th at 4:00 PM
The audition application is due by April 7th.
To receive an audition packet, please see Mrs. Carr in the girls’ locker room or email her at carreb@nv.ccsd.net.
We look forward to seeing your talent at auditions!
NJHS is collecting snacks and other care package items for the Munchies for the Military program. We will be collecting donations from now until April 19th.Your donations will be boxed and packed for members of the military and sent overseas. Our military members greatly appreciate these treats from home! Care packages will be assembled on April 26th at Liberty High School. Visit the Del Webb website for the link to purchase directly from our Amazon wishlist.
After school tutoring is now available. Students must sign-up to attend prior to tutoring to ensure that there is enough room in the session. This must be done every time you attend tutoring. Scan the QR Code or use the link to access the form to sign-up. The full tutoringschedule is available under the "Students" tab on our school website.
Do you know a Del Webb Wrangler that epitomizes the #wranglerway? Give them a shoutout. Head to the Del Webb website to complete the shoutout form. Winners will receive prizes and treats!
Please visit the family resource page for information regarding upcoming vaccine clinics.
March 2025
2:15pm Game Development Club -P506
2:15pm Respect Club-P507
2:15pm Poetry Jam Club-828
2:15pm Anime Club
2:15pm Drama Club
4pm Basketball Game - Boys
5:15pm Basketball Game - Girls
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6:50am Archery Team Practice
2:15pm Chess Club
2:15pm Board Games & Five Crowns Club Room 722
2:15pm Tennis Club
2:15pm Art Club
2:15pm Dungeons & Dragons Club Room 603
2:15pm Music & Culture Club
2:30pm Boys Soccer Tryouts
2:30pm Girl's Soccer Try-Outs
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#WranglerWay Wednesday
6:50am Archery Team Practice
9:57am Student of the Month Lunches
2:15pm Video Game Club- 826
2:15pm Animal Support Club
2:15pm Graffiti Park Foundation - After School
2:15pm Volleyball Intramurals & Conditioning
2:15pm Swiftie Club- 623
2:15pm Photography & Film Club P503
2:15pm JV Quiz Club
2:30pm Boys Soccer Tryouts
2:30pm Girl's Soccer Try-Outs
4pm Basketball Game - Boys
5:15pm Basketball Game - Girls
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Volleyball Tryouts
6:50am Archery Team Practice
2:15pm Revit Club
2:15pm Music & Culture Club
2:30pm Girls' Soccer Try-Outs
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Finding Gobi Author Visit-Library
Volleyball Tryouts
2:30pm Boys Soccer Tryouts
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7am Robotics State Championship
Nevada Reading Week
2:15pm Game Development Club -P506
2:15pm Respect Club-P507
2:15pm Poetry Jam Club-828
2:15pm Anime Club
2:15pm Drama Club
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Girls' Basketball v. Harney: Playoff game @DW 4pm
Nevada Reading Week
6:50am Archery Team Practice
2:15pm Chess Club
2:15pm Board Games & Five Crowns Club Room 722
2:15pm Tennis Club
2:15pm Art Club
2:15pm Dungeons & Dragons Club Room 603
2:15pm Music & Culture Club
4pm In N Out Night 4pm-8pm
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#WranglerWay Wednesday
Archery Tournament
Nevada Reading Week
2:15pm Video Game Club- 826
2:15pm Animal Support Club
2:15pm Swiftie Club- 623
2:15pm Photography & Film Club P503
2:15pm JV Quiz Club
Show all
Nevada Reading Week
2:15pm Revit Club
2:15pm Music & Culture Club
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Nevada Reading Week
2:15pm Game Development Club -P506
2:15pm Respect Club-P507
2:15pm Poetry Jam Club-828
2:15pm Anime Club
2:15pm Drama Club
4pm Soccer Games @ Webb Girls 4pm, Boys 5:15
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2:15pm Chess Club
2:15pm Board Games & Five Crowns Club Room 722- Canceled today!
2:15pm Tennis Club
2:15pm Art Club
2:15pm Dungeons & Dragons Club Room 609
2:15pm Music & Culture Club
3:30pm Volleyball Games @ Webb Boys 3:30pm, Girls 4:30pm
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#WranglerWay Wednesday
10am Kona Ice - all 3 lunches
2:15pm Video Game Club- 826
2:15pm Animal Support Club
2:15pm Swiftie Club- 623
2:15pm Photography & Film Club P503
2:15pm JV Quiz Club
4pm Soccer Games @ Guinn Boys 4pm, Girls 5:15pm
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2:15pm Revit Club
2:15pm Music & Culture Club
3:30pm Volleyball Games @ Webb Boys 3:30pm, Girls 4:30pm
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End of Third Grading Period
Spring Break: No School
Spring Break: No School
Spring Break: No School
Spring Break: No School
Spring Break: No School
Classes Resume
2:15pm Game Development Club -P506
2:15pm Respect Club-P507
2:15pm Poetry Jam Club-828
2:15pm Anime Club-603
2:15pm Drama Club-Theater
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2:15pm Chess Club-723
2:15pm Board Games & Five Crowns Club Room 722
2:15pm Tennis Club-Courts
2:15pm Art Club-212
2:15pm Dungeons & Dragons Club Room 609
2:15pm Music & Culture Club-Theater
4:30pm Volleyball Games @Webb Boys 4:30pm, Girls 5:30pm
Show all
#WranglerWay Wednesday
9:57am Student of the Month Lunches
10am Kona Ice - all 3 lunches
2:15pm Video Game Club- 826
2:15pm Animal Support Club-221
2:15pm Swiftie Club- 623
2:15pm Photography & Film Club P503
2:15pm JV Quiz Club-804
4pm Soccer Games @ Webb Girls 4pm, Boys 5:15pm
Show all
2:15pm Revit Club-904
2:15pm Music & Culture Club-Theater
4pm Soccer Games @ Webb Girls 4pm, Boys 5:15pm
2:15pm Game Development Club -P506
2:15pm Respect Club-P507
2:15pm Poetry Jam Club-828
2:15pm Anime Club-603
2:15pm Drama Club-Theater
4:30pm Volleyball Games @ Webb Boys 4:30pm, Girls 5:30pm
Show all
2:15pm Chess Club-723
2:15pm Board Games & Five Crowns Club Room 722
2:15pm Tennis Club-Courts
2:15pm Art Club-212
2:15pm Dungeons & Dragons Club Room 609
2:15pm Music & Culture Club-Theater
4pm Soccer Games @ Greenspun Girls 4pm, Boys, 5:15pm
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#WranglerWay Wednesday
10am Kona Ice - all 3 lunches
2:15pm Video Game Club- 826
2:15pm Animal Support Club-221
2:15pm Swiftie Club- 623
2:15pm Photography & Film Club P503
2:15pm JV Quiz Club-804
4:30pm Volleyball Games @ Garrett Boys 4:30pm, Girls 5:30pm
Show all
2:15pm Revit Club-904
2:15pm Music & Culture Club-Theater
4pm Soccer Games @ Webb Girls 4pm, Boys 5:15pm
Show all
Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on all campus happenings!